Choose the Type of Home
The first thing to consider is what type of home you would like to buy. In addition to single family homes (one home per lot), there are other forms of home ownership:
- Single Family Homes: A single family home is what most people think of when they are looking for a home. It is a single home located on one lot.
- Multifamily homes: Some buyers, particularly first-timers, start with multiple family dwellings, so they'll have rental income to help with their costs. Many mortgage plans, including VA and FHA loans, can be used for buildings with up to four units, if the buyer intends to occupy one of them.
- Condominiums: With a condo, you own "from the plaster in" unlike what you would with a single family house , where you own from the ground up . You also own a certain percentage of the "common elements" -- staircases, sidewalks, roofs and the like. Monthly charges pay your share of taxes and insurance on those elements, as well as repairs and maintenance. A homeowners association administers the development.
- Townhomes: Townhomes are similar to a condo but a townhome you own the property underneath your dwelling. Instead of a condominium association you would have a homeowner’s association. The term “townhome” is sometimes used to describe a style of condominium that is 2 stories. You will want to do some research and be sure you know which one you are buying.
Choose a Neighborhood
When evaluating a neighborhood you should investigate local conditions. Depending on your own particular needs and tastes, some of the following factors may be more important considerations than others:
- quality of schools
- property values
- traffic
- crime rate
- future construction
- proximity to schools, employment, hospitals, shops, public transportation, prisons, freeways, airports, beaches, parks, stadiums and cultural activities such as museums, concerts and theaters.
Put Together Your Wants vs. Needs
Team Johnson has compiled a Prioritize Your Wants and Needs checklist. Click Here to Download. This list will also help your agent so that they do not take you to see houses you are not interested in.
Now that you have a good idea of what you’re looking for, talk with you agent and start viewing houses. TEAM JOHNSON has many tools that will help make this process fun. Any of our team members would be more than happy to help you find your new home. Give us a call at 904-495-0146 or email us at
Team Johnson
Watson Realty Corp
3505 U.S. 1 South
St. Augustine, Florida 32086
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Watson Realty Corp
3505 U.S. 1 South
St. Augustine, Florida 32086
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